"Alaskan Treasure- The White Raven" - THE RAVENS
Alaska was finally graced with the sightings of a white raven in the fall of 2023, and in Anchorage, where most of the sightings are, the white raven has become an enigma and a wonder- it even has it's own social media page! After seeing all the images posted by the lucky people who have seen it, I was inspired to create an image of the White Raven as the treasure it is. I've added a beautiful full moon, spruce trees, and up high in the sky, the Big Dipper- our state flags emblem.
It is associated with creation and transformation. White Ravens are messengers sent to communicate with other realms and higher forces. It's an omen, or it's a curse, or it's a blessing, but mainly it's presence is a harbinger that some sort of change is about in the world.